
Maps will be uploaded as they are completed إن شاء الله

Please note: I am not a professional historian nor cartographer. I have just put together something to help the reader get an idea of time and place. If there are mistakes please overlook them.There have been differing reports about places and names and therefore no-one can be completely accurate.

1. Map of the World
2. Map of the Holy Land
3. Map of all the Prophets عليهم السلام
4. Map of all the Prophets عليه السلام colour coded
5.  Map for Moosa عليه السلام

Geography and the Prophets  عليهم السلام

Borders and country names change over the centuries. I have used the modern name for the country so you can relate to your knowledge of geography today.
I have listed a Prophet under a country if he was born there, lived there, visited there or died there.
I have taken the information from ‘Stories of the Prophets’ by Ibn Kathir and ‘Atlas of the Qur’an’ Dr. Shauqi Abu Khalil. Listed are the Prophets that we have information about. There were many others that were here but we have no clear texts about them.

Please Note:

It is important to follow what the Prophets were upon and the guidance they brought. We should not just research and visit where they went or could have been. The information provided is just to give you an idea of how they travelled and where they were in the world. Some people do 'pilgrimage' to all the sites that Prophets might have been and they worship at/or their graves. This is WRONG and not acceptable to Allaah. We were warned about this.

If specific names and places of historical events regarding the Prophets were important for our religion and worship Allaah would have told us about them.

SAUDI ARABIA (Total number: 7-70)

Makkah:                              Prophet Aadam
        Prophet Ibraheem
        Prophet Ismaa'eel
        Prophet Moosa (made Hajj)
        Prophet Muhammad
                                            (70 Prophets prayed at Masjid Khayf in Mina)
Madyan:                              Prophet Shu’ayb
                                            Prophet Moosa
Madain Saleh:                     Prophet Salih

PALESTINE (15)                
                                                Prophet Aadam
                                                Prophet Ibraheem
                                                Prophet Loot
                                                Prophet Ishaaq
                                                Prophet Ya’qoob
                                                Prophet Yoosuf
                                                Prophet Yoonus
                                                Prophet Moosa
                                                Prophet Ayyoob?
                                                Prophet Daawood
                                                Prophet Sulaymaan
                                                Prophet Zakariyyah
                                                Prophet Yahyaa
                                                Prophet Eesaa
                                                Prophet Muhammad

EGYPT (7)                                           
            Prophet Idrees
                                                Prophet Ibraheem
                                                Prophet Loot
                                                Prophet Yoosuf
                                                Prophet Ya’qoob
                                                Prophet Moosa
                                                Prophet Eesaa

SYRIA (3)                              Prophet Aadam
                                                Prophet Ayyoob?
                                                Prophet Muhammad
IRAQ (3)                                Prophet Nooh
                                                Prophet Ibraheem
                                                Prophet Yoonus

YEMEN                                 Prophet Hood